Thursday, April 10, 2014

Public meeting set to begin process of updating Lower Wisconsin Riverway master plan

SPRING GREEN, Wis. - The public has an opportunity at two upcoming open house meetings to get involved with the initial phases of the process to review and update of the master plan for the Lower Wisconsin State Riverway property.

The Department of Natural Resources is beginning the process to review and update the 25-year-old master plan for the Lower Wisconsin State Riverway. Tower Hill State Park will also be included in the planning effort.

Two open-house style public meetings are planned to share information about the upcoming planning process and public participation opportunities, and to hear what issues the public would like to see included in the plan review. A short presentation will be made at 6:30 p.m. at each meeting. The meetings will be held:

  • Tuesday April 22, Sauk City - 4 to 7:30 p.m., Sauk City Public Library, 515 Water St.
  • Wednesday, April 23, Boscobel - 4 to 7:30 p.m., Tuffley Community Center, 104 East Oak St.

In addition to at the meetings, people may submit comments to the DNR by mail or email, according to Matt Seguin, DNR riverway manager.

"The department is very interested in the public's input as to the future management of this unique property. A questionnaire will also be available to fill out at the meeting or on line," Sequin said.

The comment period for this beginning phase of planning will run until July 31, 2014.

Established by the legislature in 1989, the Lower Wisconsin State Riverway is a 92-mile river corridor stretching from Prairie du Sac to the Mississippi River. It is one of the longest remaining stretches of free-flowing river in the Midwest. The Riverway includes miles of meandering shoreline and sandbars; acres of wetlands, prairie, and forests, tall bluffs and backwater ponds.

"The area is rich in high quality habitats and rare plant and wildlife species. Recreational opportunities are diverse and include such activities as canoeing, camping on sandbars, fishing, hunting, hiking, wildlife watching and mushroom picking," Sequin said.

Information on the Riverway and the planning process, including a Regional and Property Analysis and maps, and a Public Involvement Plan can be found by searching the DNR website, for keywords "master planning," and then clicking on link for "Lower Wisconsin State Riverway." Copies of the materials are also available at the DNR's Tower Hill State Park office or by contacting Matt Seguin at 608-588-7723 or by email at

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